
House for rent 1 bedroom1 bathroom Mae Nam Koh Samui Surat Thani

House for rent 1 bedroom1 bathroom Mae Nam Koh Samui Surat Thani

จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี    อำเภอเกาะสมุย


#Houseforrent 2 minutes walk to Maenam beach

Location: Mae Nam, Koh Samui , Surat Thani

xxX Price 13,000 - 15,000 baht / month Xxxx

-1 bedroom, 1 bathroom
-Free WIFI
-Air conditioner, water heater, refrigerator, clothes drying rack
-The house has mosquito curtains.
- Front porch
-Dining table/sofa
-There is a kitchen zone. with kitchen equipment
-There is a lawn area / car park area.

No pets allowed

Nearby places
-Maenam Beach
-Mae Nam Market
-fisherman's village
-Bophut Beach

contact for viewing appointments and booking
Call / WhatsApp
+66896331978 (K.Phan)
LINE> https://line.me/ti/p/J_fLjq54v3


#Houseforrent #Housesamui
#suiteforrentkohsamui #Roomforrent
#RoominKohSamui #AirconditioningroomSamui
#monthlyaccommodationinKohSamui #ApartmentSamuin
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Bing ( วันนี้ เวลา 12.53 น.