
Room Available For Rent Near Bang Rak Beach 1Bed 1Bath Good Location Fully Furni

Room Available For Rent Near Bang Rak Beach 1Bed 1Bath Good Location Fully Furni

จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี    อำเภอเกาะสมุย


Room Condo AVailable Now
Near Bang Rak Beach 100 Metters
1 Bedroom 1 Bathroom
Fully Furniture
Location : Bophut Koh Samui Suratthani

There are Many Facilities
Swimming pool
Fitness Facial sauna
Close to many tourist attractions
Free Wifi
Parking Area
Price For Rent 13,000 - 16,000 Baht / Month

Nearby Places
- Bang Rak Beach
- Bophut Beach
- Fisherman Village
- Big Buddha Temple
- Near tourist attractions

Able to Move in Immediately

Contact for more information/booking.
Tel. 082-517-4959 (Khun Mod)
089-633-1978 (Khun Pun)
Whatsapp: +6682-517-4959

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