
Niche Mono Bearing private beautiful view 22nd floor BTS Bearing

Niche Mono Bearing private beautiful view 22nd floor BTS Bearing

จังหวัดสมุทรปราการ    อำเภอเมืองสมุทรปราการ


Niche Mono Bearing, private, beautiful view, 22nd floor, BTS Bearing

*** Services for sale / rent of houses, condos and consulting. Please contact anytime***
Interested in more details or pictures or making an appointment to see the room, contact Ekachai (Aui).
T. 089-799-5598
Line ID: @auiauiaui001 (add @ in front too)

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Room type 1 bedroom 1 bathroom
Size 29 sqm. Floor 22
Clean room, beautifully decorated, ready to move in.

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Rental price: 11,000 baht/month
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*Nearby Landmarks (reference data from Google Map)
- Imperial World Samrong, Big C 1 km.
- BITEC Bangna 2.2 km.
- St. Andrews International School 270 m.
- Berkeley International School 2.7 km.
- Samrong Medical Hospital 1.4 km.

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rental conditions
1 year lease
1 month advance payment, 2 months room deposit

Tag : #NicheMonoBearing #Niche #Mono #Bearing #BTS #Sukhumvit #Bangna .
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Bing ( วันนี้ เวลา 17.25 น.