
Beautiful 2 bedroom house mountain view on Koh Samui

Beautiful 2 bedroom house mountain view on Koh Samui

จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี    อำเภอเกาะสมุย


Beautiful house, mountain view, good atmosphere on Koh Samui.
New house, area 95 sq m, 2 bedrooms.
2 bathrooms, 1 kitchen, storage room, laundry area
There is a private leak, parking space, and spacious living space.
In Mae Nam Subdistrict, Koh Samui District, Surat Thani Province.
Plus free full beautiful furniture.
At a price of only 3,990,000 baht
You can contact us to arrange a viewing of the home and more information at
063-080-6902 (Khun Pang)
089-633-1978 (Khun Pan)
Line>> https://line.me/ti/p/Mfahgb8dXc
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Bing ( วันนี้ เวลา 08.04 น.