
QUICK SELL3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

QUICK SELL3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms

จังหวัดประจวบคีรีขันธ์    อำเภอปราณบุรี


QUICK SELL  3 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms


288 Sq.m ( 72 Sq.w )


2,990,000 million THB ( Transfer fees 50/50 )


3 Bedroom ,2 Bathroom ,1 Living room ,1 storeroom

1 kitchen 1 empty room

1 parking And you can park in front of the house

Full furniture , 4 camara , 4 Air

Wood Sala

No Maintenance fees , Electric and Water Pranburi


Located ‼ Wang Pong Soi 7, Front Soi have Family Mart , The house is at the end of the Soi .


15 Minuets drive to HuaHin Beach , Market village, Bluport, Hospital

5 minuets drive to Makro Pranburi, Tesco Lotus Pranburi , Hospital Pranburi and many different business



For more information please contact

HUA HIN SI Property Rent Sale



รับ ฝาก ซื้อ ฝาก ขาย

Miss.kwan  0611519925




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Bing ( วันนี้ เวลา 10.33 น.