
Life in the garden BanChangCorner House for Rent

Life in the garden BanChangCorner House for Rent

จังหวัดระยอง    อำเภอบ้านฉาง


*** Corner House for Rent *** 

Life in the Garden, Ban Chang


This village is located on Sukhumvit Road.

Front of the village has 7/11 Convenient Store,

Café Amazon, Salad & Steak Restaurant, Laundry Bar


Location : https://goo.gl/maps/MdHXPodWGPyVjtzX9


2-Storey House

Land Area 38.3 Sqr.wah

House Area 149.82 Sqr.m.

3 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms

1 Living Room 1 Kitchen

1 Storage Room 1 Terrace

2 Parking

Plenty of Garden Area

Fully Furnished


*** Rental Fee 17,000 Baht ***

Free!! Wifi Internet + Cable TV (True Vision)



- Clubhouse with Swimming Pool, Gym, and Playground

- Jogging Lane 1.2 Km.

- Community Park with Playground

- Pavilions

- Keycard for enter & exit the village


- 24-Hour Security Guards


Contact for renting with Dao.

Tel. : (084)011-5330

Line ID : Daoduangnoi

WhatsApp : +6684 011 5330

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Bing ( วันนี้ เวลา 14.42 น.