
Single house 2 bedrooms available for rent near Central Samui Samui Airport Boph

Single house 2 bedrooms available for rent near Central Samui Samui Airport Boph

จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี    อำเภอเกาะสมุย


** Single house 2 bedrooms available for rent **
Near Chaweng Beach 10 minutes
Accommodation near Central Samui Samui Airport just 5-10 minutes
Bophut Sub-district, Koh Samui District, Surat Thani Province
Modern style single house With many decorations

Quiet, nice atmosphere, with a private garden and fence

Has a lot of usable space Suitable for rest

2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms
- kitchen, living room
- Area For car park, sofa
- Front porch , A/C

Only 5-10 minutes to

- Central Festival Samui, Samui Airport

- Chaweng Beach, Bangrak Beach, Fresh Market

- Very good location

Special discount only !!
Rental fee 10000 baht / month
If you are interested in monthly housing, please contact us at
Khun Pan Tel. +66-89-633-1978

#HouseForRentkOHSamui #ThaialndPropertyRental
#KohSamui #Bophut #Chaweng
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Bing ( วันนี้ เวลา 14.45 น.