
Townhouse For Sale4 bedrooms5 bathrooms Bandon hospital BigC kohsamui

Townhouse For Sale4 bedrooms5 bathrooms Bandon hospital BigC kohsamui

จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี    อำเภอเกาะสมุย


Townhouse For SaleCommercial Building
4 bedrooms / 5 bathrooms Bandon hospital
Soi Chaweng, Bophut, Kohsamui, Suratthani, Thailand.
All rooms have air conditioners There are surveillance cameras throughout the building.
Furnished in all rooms
1st floor suitable for trading, business, shop, barber shop
cafe office
Townhouse and Home Office For Sale
Nearby places:
Big C Makro about 5 minutes
Lotus, Rajabhat University, about 10 minutes
Central Samui, Chaweng Beach, less than 15 minutes
#Water and #Electricity pay to government bill
Sale Price 4,600,000 THB
Land Size is 22.9 Sq.w.
Living Size about 250 Sq.m.
Consulting service, loan submission, free consultation, take care from the beginning until the transfer date
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Contact for more information / booking
089-633-1978 (Khun Pan)
Deposit for sale-rent houses, condos, land
real estate
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Bing ( วันนี้ เวลา 04.02 น.