
Condo Unit For Sale Near Bang Rak Beach BophutKoh SamuiSuratthani

Condo Unit For Sale Near Bang Rak Beach BophutKoh SamuiSuratthani

จังหวัดสุราษฎร์ธานี    อำเภอเกาะสมุย


Urgent Condo Unit For Sale, Beautiful Room
Near Bang Rak Beach
Full facilities, good atmosphere, pool view

Ready to own today, only 1.45 million baht

Location: Bophut , Koh Samui , Surat

1st floor fully furnished
1 bedroom, 1 bathroom, balcony, kitchen
Fitness, basketball court, tennis, sports equipment
Swimming pool, children's pool, playground
Convenient, comfortable, private and secure CCTV

nearby places Travel about 10-15 minutes.
Bangrak Beach
Bophut Beach, Fisherman's Village
Big Buddha Temple, Big Buddha Market
Beautiful cafe

No pets of any kind
Contact for more information /
make an appointment to see the room / consult about credit
Tel. 089-633-1978 (Khun Pan)
Deposit for sale-rent houses, condos, land, real estate work
#Commercialspaceforrent #Condoforrent #ApartmentKohSamui
#RoomforrentinKohSamui #ApartmentSamui
#RoomforrentinSamui #Shophouseforsale
#Commercialbuildingforsale #Chaweng
#Apartment #ApartmentSamui #RoomforrentinSamui #Bophut
#CondoforrentKohSamui #Houseforrent #HouseforrentSamui #RentacondounitonKohSamui #HouseforsaleKohSamui #TownhouseforsaleKohSamui #beautifulhouseland
#BuyingahouseonKohSamui #RoomsonChawengBeachKohSamui
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